
Websites targeting keyword recycled material

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PET Bottle Recycling Plant -ZHEJIANG BORETECH ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CO., LTD.- Fiber Line, PET Recycling Machine, Plastic Bottle Recycling, PET Bottle Washing Line, Turbo Washer, Horizontal Dryer, zig zag separator, PSF Production Line, Plastic Dryer
Specializes in PET Bottle Recycling Plant and Fiber Line, We are environmental equipment & plastic recycling enterprise which comes from Taiwan with 20 years experience for PET Bottle Recycling Plant, PET Recycling Machine, Plastic Bottle Recycling, PET Bottle Washing Line, Turbo Washer, Horizontal Dryer, zig zag separator, Plastic Dryer, PSF Production Line and other waste plastic recycle and 15 years experience for polyester staple fiber and Fiber Line. Our plentiful manufacturing experience has become our prime backbone in waste plastic recycling plan, design and produce. Especially in PET Bottle Recycling Plant, Fiber Line, PET Recycling Machine, Plastic Bottle Recycling, PET Bottle Washing Line field, Plastic Bottle Crusher Machine, PET Flakes, Bale Breaker, we provide not only whole recycling line or single machine but also operate manufacturing and sales in various kinds of recycled PET material and their upper and lower reaches practically.
  • Google Analytics code: 50749667-1
  • Updated On (Date): 2016-Aug-24
  • Expiration time: 2018-Aug-16
  • Website Registered On (Date): 2005-Aug-16
para aramid pulp
High quality para-aramid waste from cutting outfall of technical textile productions are recycled in an environmentally, sustainable process. The high quality receycled material is used in brakes, clutches linings and seals, gasket production or in technical rubber products. Recycled aramid staple fibers can be spun again into yarns for fire protective textiles or heat insulating materials.
  • Google Analytics code: 65453061-1
<title> Aquarius | Spare Wheel Covers | Edge Protectors | Plastic Key Tags <title> </title> <meta name="description" content="Spare Wheel Covers, Soaker Hose Irrigation Pipe, Edge Protector and Plastic Key Tags "/> <meta name="keywords" content="Plastic Spare Wheel Covers, 4x4 Spare Wheel Covers, Printed Spare Wheel Covers, Plain Wheel Covers, Edge Protector, Plastic Key Tags"/> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link href="style1.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"/> <link rel="icon" href="animated_favicon1.gif" type="image/gif"/> <link href="css/skitter.styles.css" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="js/jquery-1.5.2.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.skitter.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.animate-colors-min.js"></script> <script> $(function(){ $('.box_skitter_large').css({width: 365, height: 76}).skitter({navigation: false, numbers: false, width: 365, label: false}); }); </script> </head> <body onload="setUnlimitedOut()"> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> <h3> <a href="/index.php"></a> </h3> </div><comment>header</comment> <div id="content1"><p id="flash"> <comment>[if !IE]> </comment> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="icon.swf" width="90" height="90"> <comment> <![endif]</comment> <comment>[if IE]> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="90" height="90"> <param name="movie" value="icon.swf" /> <comment>><comment></comment> <param name="loop" value="false" /> <param name="menu" value="false" /> <p>This is <strong>alternative</strong> content.</p> </object> <comment> <![endif]</comment></p> </div> <div id="content"> <comment> ================== BIG PROMO BLOCKS [begin] ================== </comment> <div id="unlim_edgeprotector" class="big_promo2" style="background-image:url('images/edgecoverbg.png'); display:block; background-position:bottom;"> <div style="position:absolute; left:20px; top:10px; width:280px; text-align:left;"> Edge Protector by Aquarius Manufacturing Ltd is made from 100% recycled material that offers high impact protection to palletised goods and other commodities during storage and transit. </div> <div style="position:absolute; left:200px; top:225px; width:250px; text-align:left;"> Available in Right Angle<br/><br/>3cm x 3cm x 1m<br/>3cm x 3cm x 2m<br/>3cm x 3cm x 6cm (bag of 100)<br/>4cm x 4cm x 1m<br/>4cm x 4cm x 2m </div> <div style="position:absolute; left:170px; top:380px; width:190px; text-align:right;"> 16mm bore circular slit<br/>in bespoke lengths </div> <div style="position:absolute; left:130px; top:480px; width:200px; text-align:right;"> Serrated and available in<br/>3cm x 3cm x 1m<br/>3cm x 3cm x 2m<br/>4cm x 4cm x 1m<br/>4cm x 4cm x 2m<br/>Ideal for at risk curved surfaces </div> </div> <div id="unlim_soakerhose" class="big_promo" style="background-image:url('images/soakerbg.png'); display:none; background-position:bottom;"> <div style="position:absolute; left:20px; top:0px; width:340px; text-align:left;"> Is your garden green? Well you can make it greener with the Soaker Hose root level irrigation system from Aquarius Manufacturing. Soaker hose conserves water by providing water and nourishment to your plants at root level avoiding evaporation and surface drainage loss. Saving you time and money. </div> <div style="position:absolute; left:40px; top:540px; width:320px; text-align:right;"> All Soaker Hose products are made with recycled rubber reducing the impact on our environment. </div> </div> <div id="unlim_wheelcovers" class="big_promo" style="background-image:url('images/wheelcoverbg.png'); display:none; background-position:bottom;"> <div style="position:absolute; left:20px; top:10px; width:280px; text-align:left;"> Suppliers to all leading franchised and non franchised dealerships.<br/>Strictly personal & novelty covers available - contact us for further details. </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <comment> a = ['edgeprotector', 'soakerhose', 'wheelcovers']; function rotateUnlimited () { if (window._glHold) return; window._glUnlimIdTmp = undefined; var ms = 8000; // rotation interval if (undefined == window._glUnlim) { window._glUnlim = 0; } else if (window._glUnlim > 1) { window._glUnlim = 0; } else { ++window._glUnlim; } setUnlimited(a[window._glUnlim]); window._glUnlimId = setTimeout ('rotateUnlimited()', ms); } function setUnlimitedHover(s) { setUnlimited(s); window._glUnlim = undefined; window._glHold = true; } function setUnlimitedOut() { window._glHold = false; if (undefined != window._glUnlimIdTmp) clearTimeout (window._glUnlimIdTmp); window._glUnlimIdTmp = setTimeout('rotateUnlimited()', 15000); // start rotation after mouse out } function setUnlimited(s) { clearTimeout(window._glUnlimId); for (var i in a) { var e = document.getElementById('unlim_' + a[i]); e.style.display = s == a[i] ? 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We can offer bespoke edge widths, lengths and thicknesses.</p> <p>Soaker Hose breathable recycled rubber irrigation pipe allows water to penetrate the soil slowly over a period of time saving our environment and your money. Attaches to any standard garden hose pipe via accessories. Available in bespoke lengths. <br />We have the skills, the experience and the equipment to advise you on all your 4x4 wheel cover needs and apply them to the finished product. Graphic design, silk screen printing and sewing for franchised dealerships and second user markets. </p> </div> </div><comment>content</comment> <div id="sidebar"> <div style="float:right; left:25px; top:20px; width:220px; text-align:left;"> <br/>  <ul id="navmenu"> <li><a href="edge-protector/"><b>edge </b><b style="color:#ffffff">protector</b></a></li> <li><a href="http://www.soakerhose.info"><b>soaker</b> <b style="color:#ffffff">hose</b></a></li> <li><a href="http://www.4x4wheelcover.com/"><b>wheel </b><b style="color:#ffffff">covers</b></a></li> <li><a href="key-tags.php"><b>key </b><b style="color:#ffffff">tags</b></a></li> <li><a href="contact.php"><b>essential </b><b style="color:#ffffff">contacts</b></a></li> </ul><br/><br/><a href="contact.php"> <img style="border:0" src="images/contact.png" alt="Contact Aquarius Manufacturing" /></a> </div></div><comment>sidebar</comment> <div id="foot"> <div id="big_promo_buttons"> <a href="edge-protector/" onmouseover="setUnlimitedHover('edgeprotector')" onmouseout="setUnlimitedOut()"><img src="images/eplogo.png" alt="" /></a> <a href="http://www.soakerhose.info/" onmouseover="setUnlimitedHover('soakerhose')" onmouseout="setUnlimitedOut()"><img src="images/shlogo.png" alt="" /></a> <a href="http://www.4x4wheelcover.com/" onmouseover="setUnlimitedHover('wheelcovers')" onmouseout="setUnlimitedOut()"><img src="images/wclogo.png" alt="" /></a> </div></div> <div id="footer"> <ul id="footnav"> <li><a href="contact.php"><b>trade enquiries</b></a></li><li><b>|</b></li> <li><a href="privacy.php" title="Aquarius Privacy Policy"><b>privacy policy</b></a></li><li><b>|</b></li> <li><a href="terms.php" title="Aquarius Terms of Use"><b>terms and conditions</b></a>      </li> <li><a href="http://www.soakerhose.info/" title="Soaker Hose Irrigation" ><img style="vertical-align:middle; border:0" src="images/agp.png" alt="Soaker Hose Irrigation" /></a>  </li> <comment> <li><a href="http://www.eurosheet.com" title="Eurosheet Plastic Sheeting"><img style="vertical-align:middle; border:0" src="images/euroico.gif" alt="Eurosheet Plastic Sheeting" /></a>    </li> </comment> <li><img style="vertical-align:middle" src="images/pmnttype.gif" alt="We accept theses payment types" />  </li> </ul> </div><comment>footer</comment> </div><comment>wrapper</comment> <div style="text-align:left;width:930px;margin: 30px auto 20px auto;text-color:#000000"><p>1</p></div> <div style="text-align:center;">Copyright ©2008 AquariusMfg.Com</div> <div style="display:none"><a href="http://www.aquariusmfg.com/directory.php">Partners</a> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <comment> function switchMenu(obj) { var el = document.getElementById(obj); if ( el.style.display != "none" ) { el.style.display = 'none'; } else { el.style.display = ''; } } //</comment> </script> <div style="height:76px"></div> <div style="position:fixed;bottom:80px;width:100%;max-height:1px;white-space:nowrap;"> <div id="myvar" style="width:365px;margin:-76px auto"> <div class="box_skitter box_skitter_large"> <ul> <li> <a href="http://soakerhose.info/store/"><img src="images/soakerhose.png" class="block" /></a> <div class="label_text"> </div> </li> <li> <a href="http://soakerhose.info/store/"><img src="images/soakerhose.png" class="cube" /></a> <div class="label_text"> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear:both;float:right;cursor:pointer;background-color:#fff;padding:4px 7px 4px 7px;margin:5px 20px 0 0"> <a onclick="switchMenu('myvar');" title="close">close advert</a> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
Spare Wheel Covers, Soaker Hose Irrigation Pipe, Edge Protector and Plastic Key Tags
  • Updated On (Date): 2018-Jan-21
  • Expiration time: 2019-Jan-25
  • Website Registered On (Date): 2000-Jan-25
High Performance Composite Decking Suppliers | 4Everdeck
4Everdeck are leading composite decking suppliers in South Africa. Contact us today to find your perfect wood decking solution. We sell a large range of wood plastic decking material including fascia boards, wall cladding & balustrading
  • Google Analytics code: 1357186-2
  • Updated On (Date): 2016-Oct-23
  • Expiration time: 2017-Nov-06
  • Website Registered On (Date): 2009-Nov-06
3form | Material Solutions
3form is the leading manufacturer of award-winning, sustainable building materials and architectural hardware solutions for the architecture and design industry.
  • Google Analytics code: 2833323-1
  • Updated On (Date): 2018-Feb-18
Customized Recycling Bins and Waste Containers - CleanRiver Recycling
North American manufacturer of commercial recycling bins and waste containers made with 97% recycled material. Can be customized as per recycling mandates
  • Google Analytics code: 8560895-2
  • Updated On (Date): 2015-Feb-25
  • Expiration time: 2022-Dec-22
  • Website Registered On (Date): 2003-Sep-12
Local Recycling Centers and Recycling Information and Statistics. Learn How to Recycle and Live Green - RecyclingCenters.org
Find recycling centers and recycling information in your local area with maps and driving directions, recycling news, recycling facilities locations and recycling statistics.
  • ID for Google Adsense: ca-pub-5048891067832660
  • Google Analytics code: 32454061-12
  • Updated On (Date): 2017-Mar-02
  • Expiration time: 2018-Mar-01
  • Website Registered On (Date): 2007-Mar-01
★Dé winkel vol cadeaus voor kinderen en ouders★ - StudioZomooi
Dé leukste cadeau-conceptstore! Vóór 16.00 besteld = volgende werkdag thuis. Meer dan 2000 cadeaus vanaf €1,50. Kies op leeftijd, budget, gelegenheid.
  • Google Analytics code: 21153238-1
kabinetofcuriosity.nl - Pure love, Pure Products - Een webshop met pure producten voor kinderen - kabinetofcuriosity.nl
Een webshop met pure producten voor kinderen, in de categorieën play- and sleepwear, toys, interior en art. Biologisch, recycled, lokaal en onder goede voorwaa
    Park Benches, Outdoor Benches, Comfortable Benches, Made from recycled milk jugs, Eco-Friendly Outdoor Benches in a Variety of Colors.
    • Google Analytics code: 93096109-1
    • Updated On (Date): 2016-Nov-26
    • Expiration time: 2019-Dec-04
    • Website Registered On (Date): 1997-Dec-05
    All Terrain Natural Products
    All Terrain natural products have disproved the myth that if it's natural, it can't work as well as chemical-based products. The company is environmentally-friendly and certified cruelty-free, using natural, biodegradable ingredients in packaging made from recycled, recyclable and/or biodegradable material. All Terrain products are developed by and for outdoor enthusiasts. The company is based on fun, friendship and a desire to help people get more active plus protect the environment for future generations. All Terrain produces a variety of science-based products for adults, kids and pets, including naturally-effective insect repellents, sun protection, first aid, sanitizers and soaps.
    • Google Analytics code: 15167181-1
    • Updated On (Date): 2014-Nov-12
    • Expiration time: 2019-Dec-28
    • Website Registered On (Date): 1998-Dec-28
    The ReCrafting Co. | Alameda, CA
    The ReCrafting Co. is the crafter’s resource for quality recycled crafting materials, supplies and tools at prices far below original retail. The ReCrafting Co. also offers crafters a convenient opportunity to recycle their surplus crafting material and supplies on consignment for cash.
    • Updated On (Date): 2016-Jun-14
    • Expiration time: 2019-Jul-01
    • Website Registered On (Date): 2013-Jul-01
    Webportal Floris Recycled Stationery
      Stretch Film, Stretch Film Manufacturers in Dubai- UAE- Packing Tapes- Printed Tapes- Plastic Bags- Plastic Sheets- Bags Manufacturers in Dubai- Stretch Film Suppliers in Dubai- Oman- Qatar- Kuwait- Saudi- Packaging Machinery in Dubai- Packaging materials suppliers in dubai- Jabel ali
      Luban Packing LLC ! Manufacturers & Wholesale Suppliers of Plastic polythene Sheets & Bags, Stretch wrap & Shrink film & Cling Film, Strap, we use HDPE & LLDPE Material, Warning Tape, Caution Tape, Bopp Clear Tape, Warning Tape, Thermocol Sheets, Eps Blocks, polystyrene board, foam sheets, Packaging Materials- Industrial Tork paper rolls, Yellow & White Strap, Trash Bag, Garbage Bags, Shopping bags, Plastic Elastic Net Wrap, Packaging Materials Doha Qatar Oman Dubai Abu Dhabi Sharjah, RAK, Ajman, DAFZA JAbel Ali
      • Google+ User ID: 104913677248495114614
      • Google Analytics code: 36878196-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2016-Nov-24
      • Expiration time: 2018-Sep-24
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2012-Sep-24
      Bernie's Rock & Garden - The Southeast's Best Stone Selection
      Specializing in natural stones from around the world as well as erosion control products and systems. We are committed to offering our clients the right stone for the right budget.
      • Google Analytics code: 2723712-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2015-Oct-18
      • Expiration time: 2020-Oct-20
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2006-Oct-20
      Eichelberger Architects - Home
      We provide distinctive, innovative architectural designs with a focus on green building practices and material efficiency to the metro area.
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Feb-14
      • Expiration time: 2018-Feb-14
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2011-Feb-14
      3form | Material Solutions
      3form is the leading manufacturer of award-winning, sustainable building materials and architectural hardware solutions for the Architecture + Design industry.
      • Google Analytics code: 2833323-1
      CHEEKiYOGA - Online Yoga Ethical Boutique - Yoga Leggings - Online Yoga Ethical Boutique - Yoga Leggings
      CHEEKiYOGA is an online boutique store that sells ethically sourced yoga leggings, made from recycled material for modern fitness and yoga enthusiasts.
      • Google Analytics code: 83697185-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2016-Jul-30
      • Expiration time: 2018-Jun-30
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2016-Jun-30
      Jute Bags | Burlap Bags | Cotton Bags | Burlap Rolls | Jute Matting | Jute Wine Bags | Jute Yarn | Jute Webbing | Jute Felt | Jute Tapes | Jute Sandbags | Jute Geotextile | Jute Rope | Jute Shopping Bags | Jute Decorative Fabrics
      We are manufacturers of Jute and burlap Products like Jute Bags, Burlap Bags, Burlap Rolls,Jute Matting, Jute Wine Bags, Jute Yarn, Jute Webbing, Jute Tapes, Jute Sandbags, Jute Geotextile, Jute Rope, Jute Shopping Bags, Cotton Bags, Jute Decorative Fabrics and Jute Felt In India.
      • Google Analytics code: 19236218-39
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Apr-02
      • Expiration time: 2018-Apr-27
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2001-Apr-27
      CleanFlame Firelogs & Firestarters - Home
      CleanFlame produces the cleanest burning fire logs and fire starters, made from 100% recycled material that would otherwise go to landfills. With our patented CleanCycle Process, we work with stores and landfills to divert waxed cardboard boxes from being
      • Google+ User ID: 103990131139526842167
      • Google Analytics code: 7870337-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Apr-03
      • Expiration time: 2018-Jun-12
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2007-Nov-23
      CooCooLooo è un negozio Online di Giocattoli specializzato nei prodotti di qualità per neonati e bambini. La gamma è fantastica, giocattoli in legno, marche come BIGJIGS, HAPE e LAMAZE. I nostri giochi incoraggiano l'interesse, lo sviluppo sociale, abilità creativa e la fantasia. Molti dei nostri giocattoli sono realizzati in materiale riciclato, bambù o legno proveniente da fonti sostenibili verificate. I nostri best sellersono i: puzzle, giochi di ruolo, giochi, bambole, veicoli, cavalcabili e molto altro. Attualmente spediamo solo in Italia. CooCooLooo is an online toy store that specializes in quality toys for babies and toddlers. We have a fantastic range of wooden toys from quality toy makers including BigJigs, Hape and Lamaze. Our toys encourage interest, social development, creatvie skills and imagination. Many of our toys are made from recycled material, bamboo or wood from verified sustainable sources. Our prouct range includes: Puzzles, Role Play, Games, Dolls, Cars, Ride-Ons and much more.
      • Google Analytics code: 28196471-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Nov-27
      • Expiration time: 2019-Jan-26
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2011-Jan-26
      Lehigh Technologies | Micronized Rubber Powder (MRP)
      Lehigh Technologies is a green materials company that manufacturers micronized rubber powders made from end-of-life tires and other post-industrial rubber. Lehigh’s micronized rubber material is used in a wide range of consumer and industrial applications
      • Google Analytics code: 37218507-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2016-Apr-07
      • Expiration time: 2021-May-23
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2005-May-23
      TreeFLX - Cosplay Material | Arts and Crafts
      TreeFLX is a Revolutionary One-of-A Kind Wood Craft Material that is 100% non-toxic, perfectly moldable, and is suitable for all types of DIY projects.
      • Google Analytics code: 7870337-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Jan-22
      • Expiration time: 2019-Jan-22
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2017-Jan-22
      Reflective Aluminium Foil Insulation | Low-E®
      Made from 40% recycled material, Low-E® Reflective Aluminium Foil Insulation is easy to install and excellent value for money.
      • Updated On (Date): 2018-Mar-14
      Interior Products | PET Felt Furniture | Recycled PET Felt Chairs | De Vorm
      Interior Products | PET Felt Furniture | We develop products by todays standards. This means we produce efficiently, use the full lifecycle of products and eventually give them a new life. Our emphasis lies on making a product that works, by setting a variety of conditions; it should be legible, accessible, but also environmental friendly and aesthetically perfectly in balance. From Bottle to Chair | PET Felt Panel | PET felt board | PET felt wall | PET felt decoration | PET felt acoustics | PET felt acoustic | PET acoustic wall | - Interior Products | PET Felt Furniture | We develop products by todays standards. This means we produce efficiently, use the full lifecycle of products and eventually give them a new life. Our emphasis lies on making a product that works, by setting a variety of conditions; it should be legible, accessible, but also environmental friendly and aesthetically perfectly in balance. From Bottle to Chair | PET Felt Panel | PET felt board | PET felt wall | PET felt decoration | PET felt acoustics | PET felt acoustic | PET acoustic wall | -
      • Google Analytics code: 58666027-1
      High Quality Desktop Filament Extruders and Maker for 3D Printing– 3Devo
      3devo filament extruders create high-quality, low-cost filament for 3D printing. Make your own 3D print material from virgin pellets or recycled plastics.
      • Google+ User ID: 100459081672246261448
      • Google Analytics code: 106349488-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Oct-15
      • Expiration time: 2022-Sep-28
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2005-Sep-28
      4PLAS Engineering Plastics with a Difference
      4PLAS offers a wide range of custom plastic compounds, distributed engineering materials and masterbatches for the injection moulding and extrusion markets in prime, near prime, post consumer, industrial and fully recycled feedstock in a wide range of polymers.
      • Known AddThis user account ID: ra-5423eb69318c8e12
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Mar-03
      • Expiration time: 2018-Mar-18
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2003-Mar-18
      Singapore Wooden Crates,Wooden Pallets,Cases,Skids,Packing,Fumigation,ISPM,Recycle Pallet, Waste Wood coolection
      Singapore, we specialize in the designing and building of wooden cases, wooden crates, wooden pallets, skids to fit all kinds of machinery and equipment. All wooden packaging material can be fumigated and/or ISPM 15 Heat Treated and certified.
      • Google Analytics code: 1351589-1
      Eco Friendly products & slow fashion | Welcome! - Globe Hope
      Globe Hope is an innovative Finnish design company that makes slow fashion and eco friendly products for responsible customer. Free delivery over 100 € order!
      • Google Analytics code: 60118227-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Jan-12
      • Expiration time: 2018-Feb-14
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2003-Feb-14
      SMART: Donate, Recycle, Don't Throw Away - Recycle Clothing, Shoes, & More
      SMART: Secondary Materials & Recycled Textiles Association. SMART's vision is to reduce textile waste by reusing & converting used clothing & textiles
      • Google Analytics code: 23105061-21
      • Updated On (Date): 2016-Dec-29
      • Expiration time: 2017-Dec-28
      • Website Registered On (Date): 1996-Dec-29
      PittMoss® | Growing Material and Potting Soil from recycled materials
      PittMoss® is a revolutionary product that replaces peat moss, perlite, coir. PittMoss products can be used as a soil amendment or a ready-to-use potting mix.
      • Google Analytics code: 61607202-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Jul-09
      • Expiration time: 2019-Jul-08
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2009-Jul-08
      Frameworks Berlin | Custom Framing From Recycled Material
      • Google Analytics code: 54540203-2
      • Updated On (Date): 2015-May-04
      • Expiration time: 2019-Nov-12
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2013-Nov-12
      Salvage, Deconstruction & Demolition Services in Johannesburg.
      Salvage, Deconstruction & Demolition Services in JHB: We are specialise in Recycled Building material. Call us for Salvage, Deconstruction & Demolition Services in JHB.
      • Google Analytics code: 34021541-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Jun-09
      • Expiration time: 2018-Jun-15
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2006-Jun-15
      Unique Engagement Rings | Rough Uncut Diamonds | Point No Point Studio
      Hand crafted jewelry made with 100% recycled material & conflict free diamonds. Beautiful unique engagement rings, rough diamonds, nature-inspired rings & more.
      • Google Analytics code: 64057635-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2015-Oct-18
      • Expiration time: 2021-Jul-17
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2012-Jul-17
      Bay Area Concrete Recycling
      Bay Area Concrete Recycling We crush and recycle at both our facilities. We accept clean concrete and clean asphalt and bricks.
      • Updated On (Date): 2016-Feb-11
      • Expiration time: 2018-May-10
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2013-May-10
      barbara caveng
      Barbara Caveng: Homepage; Informationen über laufende Aktionen, aktuelle und vergangene Ausstellungen, READY NOW, A.R.M-all recycled material, finalmealss, BRACE, about, Biografie der Schweizer Künstlerin, Swiss artist,
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Nov-22
      • Expiration time: 2018-Oct-10
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2003-Oct-10
      Ballard Road Art Studio, miChelle M. Vara - Artist
      Unique Art presence in Saratoga County, NY. The Ballard Road Art Studio, also known as the Saratoga Sculpture Park is the working studio of artist miChelle M.
      • Google+ User ID: 113353060862776555148
      • Google Analytics code: 15052677-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2016-Mar-26
      • Expiration time: 2018-Oct-21
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2009-Oct-21
      Nakhle Baharestan Pardis Company. NBP
      Nakhle Baharestan Pardis Co (NBP Co) is one of the most professional trading company dealing with oil, gas and petrochemical products. NBP is one of the famous manufacture supplier of Bitumen, and gilsonit (Natural bitumen) in Iran. NBP CO is one of the biggest and major supplier of Base oil, Slack wax, Motor Oil, Sulphur, Paraffin, and Plastic material with the best services in Tehran, Iran for years. We, therefore, looking for the serious customer to establishing long term business relationship.Sell offer: BITUMEN: 60-70 85-100 sonite ( Natural Bitumen) Base Oil Slack Wax MOTOR OIL PARAFFIN Plastic Raw Material polyethylene: (HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE) Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) Polystyrene: (HIPS, GPPS, EPS) Polypropylene (PP)
      • Known AddThis user account ID: xa-4c0cb0417efc8382
      • Updated On (Date): 2018-Feb-12
      • Expiration time: 2019-Jul-26
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2008-Jul-26
      Fritztile - Flexible Terrazzo Tile
      Fritztile manufactures high-quality Terrazzo floor tile, perfect for high-traffic area where longevity and low-maintenance requirements are essential. Now with Floorscore!
      • Google Analytics code: 37835168-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Jul-10
      • Expiration time: 2018-Jul-14
      • Website Registered On (Date): 1996-Jul-15
      Art Parts Creative Reuse Center
      Art Parts Creative Reuse Center in Boulder Colorado provides recycled material for education and art
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-May-19
      • Expiration time: 2019-May-14
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2011-May-14
      Teakhouten meubelen en landelijke tafels kasten dressoirs vitrine buffetkasten - |Meubel Outlet
      Teak outlet meubels, recycled teak, koloniale of landelijke meubelen.Teak Tafels, Teak Kasten, Teakhouten tv-meubelen. Goedkope Meubelen!
      • Known AddThis user account ID: wp-3d68e30df41adbb75fab8a0c4eb1f75c
      Pasco - Customised paper bags
      Looking for an environmentally friendly packaging solution? Our range of Kraft paper bags are the solution. With up to 40% of the material used in the paper bag coming from recycled content.
      • Google Analytics code: 45068253-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2016-Sep-22
      • Expiration time: 2017-Aug-05
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2005-Aug-05
      Pet Portrait Paintings + Dog & Cat Art | Melissa Smith Art
      Custom cat and dog portrait paintings by pet painter Melissa Smith. Pet Portraits from Photos. Modern dog & cat art prints. Reclaimed material recycled pet wall art.
      • Google Analytics code: 41236055-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2015-Jul-22
      • Expiration time: 2023-Sep-30
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2006-Sep-30
      A-team autosloperij Rotterdam - Recycled auto-onderdelen
      • Google Analytics code: 77657270-1
      mediterranean recipes, plant crafts, statement jewellery & brain juice
      In Whirl of Inspiration is a food and living website focused on Greek & Mediterranean recipes, plant inspired crafts, statement faux-jewellery diys & recycled material diys. Plus, a humoristic approach on life.
      • Google Analytics code: 90333124-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Aug-17
      • Expiration time: 2018-Aug-29
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2013-Aug-29
      Landscape Providers Cabinteely
      Landscape Providers stock all materials required for your garden and landscaping needs. Our garden supplies product range includes screened topsoil, compost, decorative pebble and stone, fencing, bark, roll-out lawn turf and a wide variety of gardening tools. We also provide a greenwaste transfer station for homeowners and businesses to quickly dispose of garden material which is 100% recycled by our composting unit into a peat free compost. Special discounts available for bulk orders. Nationwide delivery.
      • Google+ User ID: +LandscapeprovidersNet
      • Google Analytics code: 25692115-2
      plastic sheets, hdpe sheet, recycled plastic sheet - Ekon
      Ekon is the leading producer of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) sheet material through the flat-die-extrusion process.
      • Google Analytics code: 39021872-8
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Feb-28
      • Expiration time: 2018-Feb-27
      • Website Registered On (Date): 1997-Feb-26
      USSA – Porous Recycled Rubber Surfaces for Playgrounds and More | USSA
      Material supply and installation for rubber sidewalks, pervious pavements, rubber running tracks, rubber trails, playgrounds, sports fields, and more.
      • Google Analytics code: 19784391-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Feb-11
      • Expiration time: 2026-Feb-18
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2008-Feb-18
      Handloom made Silk Scarfs, Fabrics, Stole, Silk Linens | Bhagalpur Silk Scarf
      Simmi Handloom Export has been creating new standards in producing superlative of scarves, shawls, sarees, dress material, Linen Fabrics and much more. Constant innovation, fascinating designs, finest fabric and the seasoned weavers make every product of Simmi Handloom Export a masterpiece. What's more, our facility of
      • Google Analytics code: 113356612-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Dec-01
      • Expiration time: 2019-Dec-01
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2017-Dec-01
      Waste Management and Solid Waste Recycling - Global Recycling Network - Main Menu
      An information exchange for recycling and waste management professionals including a marketplace to exchange or recycle scrap metal, plastics, paper, glass, rubber, textiles and electronics.
      • ID for Google Adsense: ca-pub-4850262438167727
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Mar-27
      • Expiration time: 2018-Apr-19
      • Website Registered On (Date): 1994-Apr-18
      Find Recycling Centers Near You, Learn How To Recycle and Where to Recycle, RecyclerFinder.com
      Guide to local resources including recycling centers, how to recycle, scrap into cash, pollution prevention and how help protect the environment.
      • ID for Google Adsense: ca-pub-2377265604820350
      • Google Analytics code: 19245946-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Feb-15
      • Expiration time: 2018-Mar-19
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2010-Mar-19
      Metalico, Inc. - One of the nation’s largest recyclers of ferrous metals in the US such as scrap metal, aluminum, copper, lead products and demolition debris.
      A full service company addressing all our customer needs. We specialize in collection and recycling of ferrous metals.
      • Updated On (Date): 2018-Feb-23
      • Expiration time: 2019-Mar-26
      • Website Registered On (Date): 1998-Mar-27
      Boundless Brooklyn Craft Model Kits: Made in N.Y.C., U.S.A.
      DIY Billboard, Halfpipe, Lifeguard Tower, Lighthouse, Mailbox & Water Tower model kits. Made in N.Y.C., U.S.A. from 100% recycled and customizable material.
      • Google Analytics code: 45828906-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2017-Jul-09
      • Expiration time: 2018-Aug-08
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2013-Aug-08
      Babau - Bags with light inside
      Bags with Light Inside made of upcycled material and premium materials.
      • Google Analytics code: 19871533-1
      • Updated On (Date): 2016-Aug-29
      • Expiration time: 2017-Sep-28
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2010-Sep-28
      Plastic Recycling, Material Blending Services, We sell & buy plastic scrap - Bay Polymer Corp
      Bay Polymer provides reprocessed thermoplastic resins services & scrap plastic recycling. We purchase scrap plastic. For Material Flow Solutions call Baypolymer (510) 490-1791.
      • Updated On (Date): 2016-Jul-07
      • Expiration time: 2021-Aug-17
      • Website Registered On (Date): 2000-Aug-17
      Clean Vibes is a company formed and dedicated to responsible on-site waste management of outdoor festivals and events - CleanVibes
      We hope to educate and inspire a new generation of responsible stewards. Our goal is to divert waste from landfills by increasing the amount of material that is recycled and composted, thereby greatly reducing the ecological footprint of outdoor festivals and events.
      • Google Analytics code: 5329502-34
      • Updated On (Date): 2015-May-04
      • Expiration time: 2024-Jul-27
      • Website Registered On (Date): 1999-Jul-27
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