PortalRankings.comIndex table of all domains774740740974091740918
Server information and website statistics for Stf.se, all in one place:
103 Meta description of the site: Utbildning Kurser för yrkesverksamma Ingenjörer o Tekniker. Bli en av våra 12.000 kursdeltagare/år!
Title of the website: 66 Utbildning Kurser för yrkesverksamma Ingenjörer o Tekniker - STF
Quick report overview: stf.se expires on 2017-Dec-31. The website is hosted on a server in Stockholm; AB; Sweden; 173 11. The homepage of stf.se has 2 off-site links. According to WHOIS entry, this domain was first registered on 1993-Sep-08. stf.se ranks in 659171 Alexa Global position. stf.se rating on Alexa has dropped/increased by +13767 over the last 3 months.
Content relative densityHow prominently employedMost-used keywords
No data yetNo data yetKompetensutveckling
No data yetNo data yetVidareutbildning
No data yetNo data yetKurser
No data yetNo data yetUtbildning
No data yetNo data yetSTF
Alexa ranking data
Average statistics over the past month
Worldwide/Global rank:659171
Position delta:+13767
Links to similar sites
Unavailable at this time
Global Alexa ranking over the past year
Webpage target region:No data yet
Rating according to reach:No data yet
Target country rank:No data yet
Alexa data updated on:2018-Jun-04
A closer look at the index page
Number of external links
Server proximity:Stockholm; AB; Sweden; 173 11
Host IP:
Tehcnologies used
Google+ User ID:Unavailable at this time
Google Analytics code:Unavailable at this time
ID for Google Adsense:Unavailable at this time
Known AddThis user account ID:Unavailable at this time
HTTP header data:
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Expires: Thu, 29 Jun 2017 00:28:07 GMT Set-Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=jmjqzg5mm1msfxk4dkxguld0; path=/; HttpOnly Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2017 00:28:07 GMT Cache-Control: private X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Content-Length: 45072 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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Website security report
Safe for Children:No data yet
Safety rank by Google:No data yet
WOT Trust Rank:No data yet
Frequent domain mistypes:
  1. 5tf.ee
  2. 5tf.es
  3. 5tf.we
  4. 5tf.ce
  5. 5tf.xe
  6. 5tf.se
  7. 5tf.s
  8. 5tf.de
  9. 5tf.e
  10. 5tf.see
  11. 5tf.ze
  12. 5tf.sse
  13. 5tf.sw
  14. 5tf.qe
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  17. 5tf.sf
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  19. 5tf.ae
  20. cstf.we
  21. stv.we
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  62. etf.we
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  71. dstf.we
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  73. satf.we
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  76. dtf.sw
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  83. qtf.we
  84. setf.we
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  87. stph.we
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  89. stt.we
  90. wtf.we
  91. estf.sw
  92. srtf.se
  93. std.sw
  94. stfc.sw
  95. sthf.sw
  96. styf.sw
  97. sytf.sw
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  100. shtf.sw
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  122. ztf.sf
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  137. sttf.sw
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  144. stff.sw
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  150. stef.xe
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  156. sgf.sw
  157. cstf.sw
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  159. tf.sw
  160. xtf.sw
  161. syf.sw
  162. sqtf.sw
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  164. ctf.sw
  165. ste.sw
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  167. sztf.sw
  168. sf.sw
  169. satf.sw
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  171. qtf.sw
  172. setf.sw
  173. sctf.sw
  174. stft.xe
  175. sthf.xe
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  177. stff.sd
  178. satf.sd
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  180. qtf.sd
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  205. sft.sd
  206. ctf.sd
  207. cstf.sd
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  210. xtf.sd
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  212. sqtf.sd
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  233. atf.sse
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  240. stf.sd
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  242. stgf.sd
  243. ztf.sd
  244. shf.sd
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  251. strf.sse
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  255. stvf.sse
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  258. stfd.xe
  259. sqtf.xe
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  262. cstf.xe
  263. stb.xe
  264. tf.xe
  265. xtf.xe
  266. syf.xe
  267. st.xe
  268. sgtf.xe
  269. sgf.xe
  270. ctf.xe
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  272. sztf.xe
  273. sf.xe
  274. satf.xe
  275. str.xe
  276. sftf.xe
  277. wstf.xe
  278. setf.xe
  279. stdf.xe
  280. stfv.xe
  281. stcf.xe
  282. stvf.xe
  283. swtf.sf
  284. styf.xe
  285. sytf.xe
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  287. shtf.xe
  288. astf.xe
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  299. stfc.sd
  300. stfv.sd
  301. dtf.xe
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  309. shf.xe
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  313. sytf.sd
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  316. shtf.sd
  317. stfb.sd
  318. std.xe
  319. ztf.xe
  320. ste.xe
  321. sdtf.xe
  322. stph.xe
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  325. wtf.xe
  326. sttf.xe
  327. dstf.xe
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  331. qstf.xe
  332. stc.xe
  333. sff.xe
  334. srf.xe
  335. sxtf.xe
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  337. stf.xe
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  339. qstf.sf
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  344. sztf.s
  345. sf.s
  346. satf.s
  347. str.s
  348. qtf.s
  349. setf.s
  350. ste.s
  351. sgf.s
  352. stph.s
  353. stff.s
  354. stt.s
  355. wtf.s
  356. sttf.s
  357. dstf.s
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  359. ctf.s
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  371. sqtf.s
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  373. atf.s
  374. sft.s
  375. cstf.s
  376. stb.s
  377. tf.s
  378. xtf.s
  379. syf.s
  380. sdtf.s
  381. qstf.s
  382. stfb.s
  383. stfr.see
  384. styf.see
  385. sytf.see
  386. stfg.see
  387. stdf.see
  388. shtf.see
  389. stfb.see
  390. stfc.see
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  392. stvf.see
  393. stbf.see
  394. stv.see
  395. zstf.see
  396. xstf.see
  397. astf.see
  398. wstf.see
  399. sgtf.see
  400. sthf.see
  401. stcf.see
  402. stc.s
  403. ztf.s
  404. sff.s
  405. srf.s
  406. sxtf.s
  407. stg.s
  408. stf.s
  409. tsf.s
  410. stgf.s
  411. shf.s
  412. stfv.see
  413. std.s
  414. dtf.s
  415. estf.s
  416. srtf.s
  417. stft.see
  418. stef.see
  419. strf.see
  420. stfd.see
  421. stfc.s
  422. shtf.s
  423. atf.see
  424. tf.ae
  425. wstf.ae
  426. sgtf.ae
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  428. atf.ae
  429. sft.ae
  430. cstf.ae
  431. stb.ae
  432. xtf.ae
  433. xstf.ae
  434. syf.ae
  435. sqtf.ae
  436. st.ae
  437. sgf.ae
  438. ctf.ae
  439. sstf.ae
  440. sztf.ae
  441. astf.ae
  442. zstf.ae
  443. satf.ae
  444. styf.ae
  445. stef.ae
  446. strf.ae
  447. stfd.ae
  448. stfv.ae
  449. stcf.ae
  450. stvf.ae
  451. sthf.ae
  452. sytf.ae
  453. stv.ae
  454. stfg.ae
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  456. shtf.ae
  457. stfb.ae
  458. stfc.ae
  459. stfr.ae
  460. stfe.ae
  461. stbf.ae
  462. sf.ae
  463. str.ae
  464. stdf.s
  465. stef.s
  466. ztf.ae
  467. shf.ae
  468. std.ae
  469. dtf.ae
  470. estf.ae
  471. srtf.ae
  472. stft.s
  473. strf.s
  474. tsf.ae
  475. stfd.s
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  477. stcf.s
  478. stvf.s
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  482. stfg.s
  483. stgf.ae
  484. stf.ae
  485. qtf.ae
  486. sttf.ae
  487. setf.ae
  488. sctf.ae
  489. ste.ae
  490. stph.ae
  491. stff.ae
  492. stt.ae
  493. wtf.ae
  494. dstf.ae
  495. stg.ae
  496. etf.ae
  497. sdtf.ae
  498. swtf.ae
  499. qstf.ae
  500. stc.ae
  501. sff.ae
  502. srf.ae
  503. sxtf.ae
  504. sftf.see
  505. sft.see
  506. etf.sf
  507. stef.sf
  508. ztf.ss
  509. shf.ss
  510. std.ss
  511. dtf.ss
  512. estf.ss
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  514. stft.sf
  515. strf.sf
  516. tsf.ss
  517. stfd.sf
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  519. stcf.sf
  520. stvf.sf
  521. sthf.sf
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  523. sytf.sf
  524. stgf.ss
  525. stf.ss
  526. stdf.sf
  527. sttf.ss
  528. setf.ss
  529. sctf.ss
  530. ste.ss
  531. stph.ss
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  533. stt.ss
  534. wtf.ss
  535. dstf.ss
  536. stg.ss
  537. etf.ss
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  539. swtf.ss
  540. qstf.ss
  541. stc.ss
  542. sff.ss
  543. srf.ss
  544. sxtf.ss
  545. stfg.sf
  546. shtf.sf
  547. str.ss
  548. setf.sf
  549. ctf.sf
  550. sstf.sf
  551. sztf.sf
  552. sf.sf
  553. satf.sf
  554. str.sf
  555. qtf.sf
  556. sctf.sf
  557. st.sf
  558. ste.sf
  559. stph.sf
  560. stff.sf
  561. stb.sse
  562. wtf.sf
  563. sttf.sf
  564. dstf.sf
  565. sgf.sf
  566. sqtf.sf
  567. stfb.sf
  568. astf.sf
  569. stfc.sf
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  573. stv.sf
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  579. sftf.sf
  580. atf.sf
  581. sft.sf
  582. cstf.sf
  583. stb.sf
  584. tf.sf
  585. xtf.sf
  586. qtf.ss
  587. satf.ss
  588. cstf.see
  589. sff.see
  590. sttf.see
  591. dstf.see
  592. etf.see
  593. sdtf.see
  594. swtf.see
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  599. sxtf.see
  600. stg.see
  601. stf.see
  602. tsf.see
  603. stgf.see
  604. ztf.see
  605. shf.see
  606. wtf.see
  607. stff.see
  608. dtf.see
  609. ctf.see
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  611. tf.see
  612. xtf.see
  613. syf.see
  614. sqtf.see
  615. st.see
  616. sgf.see
  617. sstf.see
  618. stph.see
  619. sztf.see
  620. sf.see
  621. satf.see
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  623. qtf.see
  624. setf.see
  625. sctf.see
  626. ste.see
  627. std.see
  628. estf.see
  629. sf.ss
  630. stb.ss
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  632. wstf.ss
  633. sgtf.ss
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  635. atf.ss
  636. sft.ss
  637. cstf.ss
  638. tf.ss
  639. zstf.ss
  640. xtf.ss
  641. syf.ss
  642. sqtf.ss
  643. st.ss
  644. sgf.ss
  645. ctf.ss
  646. sstf.ss
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  648. xstf.ss
  649. stv.ss
  650. srtf.see
  651. sthf.ss
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  658. stvf.ss
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  664. shtf.ss
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  667. stfr.ss
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  669. cstf.sse
  670. sgf.sse
  671. tf.sse
  672. stg.ce
  673. sdtf.ce
  674. swtf.ce
  675. qstf.ce
  676. stc.ce
  677. sff.ce
  678. srf.ce
  679. sxtf.ce
  680. stf.ce
  681. dstf.ce
  682. tsf.ce
  683. stgf.ce
  684. ztf.ce
  685. shf.ce
  686. std.ce
  687. dtf.ce
  688. estf.ce
  689. etf.ce
  690. sttf.ce
  691. stft.sr
  692. sf.ce
  693. syf.ce
  694. sqtf.ce
  695. st.ce
  696. sgf.ce
  697. ctf.ce
  698. sstf.ce
  699. sztf.ce
  700. satf.ce
  701. wtf.ce
  702. str.ce
  703. qtf.ce
  704. setf.ce
  705. sctf.ce
  706. ste.ce
  707. stph.ce
  708. stff.ce
  709. stt.ce
  710. srtf.ce
  711. stef.sr
  712. tf.ce
  713. syf.sr
  714. sftf.sr
  715. atf.sr
  716. sft.sr
  717. cstf.sr
  718. stb.sr
  719. tf.sr
  720. xtf.sr
  721. sqtf.sr
  722. wstf.sr
  723. st.sr
  724. sgf.sr
  725. ctf.sr
  726. sstf.sr
  727. sztf.sr
  728. sf.sr
  729. satf.sr
  730. sgtf.sr
  731. astf.sr
  732. strf.sr
  733. stfg.sr
  734. stfd.sr
  735. stfv.sr
  736. stcf.sr
  737. stvf.sr
  738. sthf.sr
  739. styf.sr
  740. sytf.sr
  741. stdf.sr
  742. xstf.sr
  743. shtf.sr
  744. stfb.sr
  745. stfc.sr
  746. stfr.sr
  747. stfe.sr
  748. stbf.sr
  749. stv.sr
  750. zstf.sr
  751. xtf.ce
  752. stb.ce
  753. qtf.sr
  754. stph.de
  755. sf.de
  756. satf.de
  757. str.de
  758. qtf.de
  759. setf.de
  760. sctf.de
  761. ste.de
  762. stff.de
  763. sstf.de
  764. stt.de
  765. wtf.de
  766. sttf.de
  767. dstf.de
  768. etf.de
  769. sdtf.de
  770. swtf.de
  771. sztf.de
  772. ctf.de
  773. stc.de
  774. sftf.de
  775. stbf.de
  776. stv.de
  777. zstf.de
  778. xstf.de
  779. astf.de
  780. wstf.de
  781. sgtf.de
  782. atf.de
  783. sgf.de
  784. sft.de
  785. cstf.de
  786. stb.de
  787. tf.de
  788. xtf.de
  789. syf.de
  790. sqtf.de
  791. st.de
  792. qstf.de
  793. sff.de
  794. cstf.ce
  795. stbf.ce
  796. stfg.ce
  797. stdf.ce
  798. shtf.ce
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  811. atf.ce
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  813. sytf.ce
  814. sthf.ce
  815. srf.de
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  822. ztf.de
  823. shf.de
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  840. shtf.se
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  856. cstf.se
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  892. shf.se
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  899. xtf.se
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  901. sqtf.se
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  1019. std.ee
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  1078. syf.ze
  1079. sqtf.ze
  1080. st.ze
  1081. ste.ee
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  1097. shf.sse
  1098. std.sse
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  1100. estf.sse
  1101. etf.sse
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  1103. stft.ee
  1104. sf.sse
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  1166. stfb.de
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  1206. setf.e
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  1208. stfd.de
  1209. std.e
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  1211. estf.e
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  1217. ztf.e
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  1229. etf.e
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  1234. wtf.e
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  1266. atf.es
  1267. sytf.es
  1268. sthf.es
  1269. cstf.es
  1270. std.ze
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  1274. tsf.ze
  1275. stgf.ze
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  1277. shf.ze
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  1301. stf.es
  1302. tsf.es
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  1304. ztf.es
  1305. shf.es
  1306. std.es
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  1308. estf.es
  1309. dstf.es
  1310. wtf.es
  1311. tf.es
  1312. sztf.es
  1313. xtf.es
  1314. syf.es
  1315. sqtf.es
  1316. st.es
  1317. sgf.es
  1318. ctf.es
  1319. sstf.es
  1320. sf.es
  1321. stt.es
  1322. satf.es
  1323. str.es
  1324. qtf.es
  1325. setf.es
  1326. sctf.es
  1327. ste.es
  1328. stph.es
  1329. stff.es
  1330. stft.ae
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Expiration time:2017-Dec-31
Website Registered On (Date):1993-Sep-08
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