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Server information and website statistics for 34c.tw, all in one place:
0 Meta description of the site: Unavailable at this time
Title of the website: 29 寵愛手札 | https://34c.tw
Quick report overview: 34c.tw expires on 2017-Sep-07. The website is hosted on a server in San Francisco; CA; United States; 94107. The homepage of 34c.tw has 5 off-site links. According to WHOIS entry, this domain was first registered on 2013-Sep-07. 34c.tw ranks in 660508 Alexa Global position. 34c.tw rating on Alexa has dropped/increased by -156272 over the last 3 months.
Content relative densityHow prominently employedMost-used keywords
No data yetNo data yetNo data yet
Alexa ranking data
Average statistics over the past month
Worldwide/Global rank:660508
Position delta:-156272
Links to similar sites
Unavailable at this time
Global Alexa ranking over the past year
Webpage target region:No data yet
Rating according to reach:No data yet
Target country rank:No data yet
Alexa data updated on:2018-Jun-04
A closer look at the index page
Number of external links
Server proximity:San Francisco; CA; United States; 94107
Host IP:
Tehcnologies used
Google+ User ID:Unavailable at this time
Google Analytics code:Unavailable at this time
ID for Google Adsense:4848790984050846
Known AddThis user account ID:Unavailable at this time
HTTP header data:
Connection: keep-alive Last-Modified: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 02:29:08 GMT Transfer-Encoding: chunked Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0 CF-RAY: 36d97a77bf93640f-FRA X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3 Server: cloudflare-nginx Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8 Vary: Accept-Encoding Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 02:46:13 GMT Pragma: no-cache Set-Cookie: __cfduid=d19c83fcbd9cbc21da3579db5e78e7b551497235572; expires=Tue, 12-Jun-18 02:46:12 GMT; path=/; domain=.34c.tw; HttpOnly
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Website security report
Safe for Children:No data yet
Safety rank by Google:No data yet
WOT Trust Rank:No data yet
San Francisco; CA; United States; 94107173.245.59.120ivan.ns.cloudflare.com
San Francisco; CA; United States; 94107173.245.58.101amy.ns.cloudflare.com
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  368. 3c4.tww
  369. 3c.ts
  370. 3c.fw
  371. 3c.t
  372. 3c4.fw
  373. 3c4.w
  374. 3c.ttw
  375. 3c4.ttw
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  380. 3c.hw
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  382. 3c.te
  383. 3c4.te
  384. 3c.w
Whois data overview
Updated On (Date):No data yet
Expiration time:2017-Sep-07
Website Registered On (Date):2013-Sep-07
Whois data:

Domain Name: 34c.tw Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited,clientDeleteProhibited,clientTransferProhibited Registrant: Li,TsungYen Li,TsungYen Li,TsungYen [EMAIL-HIDDEN] +886.0983467058 +0.000 No.88, Sec. 4, Tingzhou Rd., Taiwan (R.O.C.), Taipei City 100 TW Administrative Contact: Li,TsungYen Li,TsungYen [EMAIL-HIDDEN] +886.0983467058 +0.000 Technical Contact: Li,TsungYen Li,TsungYen [EMAIL-HIDDEN] +886.0983467058 +0.000 Record expires on 2017-09-07 (YYYY-MM-DD) Record created on 2013-09-07 (YYYY-MM-DD) Domain servers in listed order: amy.ns.cloudflare.com ivan.ns.cloudflare.com Registration Service Provider: WebCC Ltd.

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